Category: islamic

  • 100 Ways We Can Support Our Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W)

    We have been startled by blasphemous movie about our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) and we as muslims did not know how to react against such acts by non muslims. Actually, they are pre-planned acts to make use of our emotions against our own self. In the consequence, we have ended up killing our own brothers, burning…

  • Running Away From the Qur’aan

    In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful   Shaykh `Abdul `Aziz ibn Baz   Question:  What is your advice – O Shaykh – for those who go without reading the Qur’aan for a month, or even many months, and who have no excuse for such behaviour? However, you will find some…

  • Siwaak – The Forgotten Sunnah

    Alhamdulillaah, we all understand the importance of oral hygiene. Science in the twentieth century has shown us the link between poor oral hygiene and certain diseases such as stroke, heart disease, pre-term babies, as well as general ill-health of a person. However, while shuffling between electric/sonic toothbrushes, water piks and expensive dental treatments, we forgot…

  • ahsrae-zulhajj

    We as muslims must know Ashrae-Zulhaj importance  inorder to avail its blessings. I have attached a Pamphlet in which the importance of Dhul Hajj, the actions that are recommended in this month (specially first ten days) have been compiled for our ease. I request all of you to download the file and  make use of it…